Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunflowers and Shoot-Q in Flagstaff

Ah the Sunflowers... more sunflower photos. Katrina and Hollye, two of my best friends in the wedding photo industry, came up to Flag for a visit. We don't see each other enough.

When I'm not tending to the baby, attempting to nourish myself, working on my business, shooting photos, or sleeping, I'm mountain biking. I even rode 17 miles this past Saturday. It was 4 hours and yes, I thought I might die during the first hour; however, I pulled through like a champ, came home, put the baby down for a nap, and took one myself. That's what I do on non-wedding-Saturdays while Shoot-Q is working for me. Mountain biking is made possible by my beloved husband, Matt. Thanks honey for babysitting our boy.

There are a few shots of me mountain biking in the sunflowers... Thanks to my local adventure photographer friend, Dawn Kish. She shot some video for the Shoot-Q ad campaign (they asked me to participate). The question I was supposed to answer was "What were you doing while Shoot-Q worked for you?" but Dawn asked me "How does that make you feel booking a wedding through Shoot-Q, and I answer...(this is obviously a blooper)

(if you are wondering, and I know you are... the awesome salmon colored custom bike you covet in this video is a Coconino... get yourself one, they rule!!)

last two photos © 2008 dawn kish photography


Anonymous said...

Love it! Thanks, Dawn, for the beautiful photos of Cam - I don't see enough of her.

sedona bride { destination wedding photographers } said...

I LOVE those sunflowers! It was great to see you guys! We should definitely do it more often! - katrina

Anonymous said...

Hollye, what is missing in that picture?