Monday, August 11, 2008

Summertime: vacation & Owen

If you are wondering where your June wedding photos are... they are coming THIS WEEK! I took a personal vacation for 10 days back East, so I'm about 10 days behind.

We weren't sure we'd make it for our annual trip to Cape Cod with my family this summer. I was very nervous about flying with a five month old. I really didn't want to be the lady on the plane with the crying baby. Turns out that was the least of my problems (he didn't make a peep on any flight). Mostly baby Owen didn't want to sleep in new places. But other than sleep, we had a blast visiting with my Mom & Dad, and my brother and sister-in-law and their two kids: Karolyna and Timmy. We ate lobsters, we walked on the beach... and I ended up napping a lot since Owen wasn't sleeping well. I wanted badly to document Cape Cod and do a photo safari around Harwich but alas, I didn't make much time for it. I did make time to ride Karla's road bike a couple of days and that felt great. In any free time I get, I like to exercise to maintain my sanity and my waistline :)

If you are wondering where the heck sister Kate is... well she is fighting forest fires all summer out West. We have to change our summer beach trip to hang out with Kate and Norm and we are working on it for next year.
lace hydrangeas
Trampolines (they were around when I was a little girl)
My Dad with Owen
Karla and Matthew (my brother) with their kids
Owen laughs

good sunset light
Karolyna 5, Tim 2.5 years old
Karolyna on her 5th birthday
the drama of the cake
Matt with his son
Our boy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cameron, the pictures are beautiful! How Karolyna and Timmy have grown. What a wonderful family you have. I wish I could have shared that lob-stah!