Saturday, September 6, 2008

Owen is 6 months & #95 - completed !

My little guy is six months old. Owen, just like Matt and I, loves to eat. I am making his baby food (#95 on my goals) after reading a great book Jamelle gave me, Super Baby Food. It's easy! You basically puree anything and then freeze it in an ice cube tray, pop the trays, put the food cubes in freezer storage bags and defrost when baby needs to eat. SUPER easy and way cheaper than jars. I thought, "nothing could be easier than the jars" but this truly is a great system. I highly recommend this book.


Patty Boge. said...

Cameron!!! I'm so excited for you! Congratulations! I had no idea! Isn't motherhood crazy wonderful?

Cameron Clark | baby business blog said...

hummmm motherhood is crazy crazy.