Friday, September 12, 2008

back to school cold and merger update

Matt, my husband, is a teacher. He's been back at school for a month now and we got sick this week... a 'back to school' cold as I've been calling it. So I've been trying really hard to recover fast and I've been sleeping during Owen's naps instead of working. It hit me hard on Wednesday and I'm starting to feel better tonight. It certainly does NOT help that Owen is teething (big time) and up every hour every night this week. Poor little guy, he's cutting the top four teeth-- big ones--! At any rate, I'm going to bed... hopefully the boy and I will sleep.

Good news! Gran Clark is coming for a week and I will hopefully catch up on lots of editing. She is ticked pink to watch Owen while I work.

Update on the merger... I'm merging my business with my assistant, Jamelle Kelly. We are becoming Cameron and Kelly Studios. Jamelle will be expanding the portrait experience so I'll be officially offering kids, babies, doggies, high school seniors, etc. Our new pad in downtown Flagstaff just got painted (brown and blue, of course). Now we are sanding the floors... photos to come tomorrow. The talented Kim Duncan is doing the interiror design.

New website, new prints, new albums, new, new, new! We will have our soft opening Oct. 1 and Grand Opening in Nov. More news to follow... stay tuned.

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