Friday, June 13, 2008

Juggling Mommyhood and my career

So I have just about the perfect job to be a Mom and still maintain my career. This is mainly because I do 85% of my work at home. In 2008, I took on less work (about half the normal amount) so that I could hang out with Owen as much as possible. I think keeping my business is going to protect my sanity in the long run, at least that is the plan (plus I like to be busy). Everything seems to be going well, with one exception: dun dun daaa "The Bottle Chronicles." Sometimes, as you can imagine, things don't go exactly as planned with a baby. For example, Owen won't take a bottle. This doesn't seem to be that big of a problem until you realize that I work 12-hour wedding days AND I am his only food source. If you've ever seen me shoot a wedding you know that I rarely sit down, much less take a 15 minute break, but this summer is different. My little Owen needs to eat every 3-4 hours and I have to feed him. So we did a trial run this past weekend with 100% success. Matt drove his *new* 1984 Westfalia camper van (I'd hardly call it new) to both events and brought Owen to me for nursing sessions. Luckily, my husband is a trooper and my clients are too. Matt even crossed Oak Creek 3 times on Saturday to bring Owen to me for his lunch, dinner and pre-bedtime snack. Mommy and Daddy didn't get all that much sleep in the lovely camper pop-top, but it was fun never-the-less. Photo by Jake Bacon. Camper photos coming soon...


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful family ya'll are...working together to make it happen!

Anonymous said...

The pictures bring me to tears...I can't wait for ya'll to come to Athens...he is the cutest baby in the entire world - you and Matt are cute too!

sedona bride { destination wedding photographers } said...

if anyone could pull it off you three could... kudos to you guys for making it work! - katrina