Saturday, June 28, 2008

Camping in Hart Prairie | Flagstaff

It seems a tradition that each year we go out to the spot where we got married here in Flagstaff at Hart Prairie and camp out. This year we brought out the vans. D.Kish brought her gimpy arm (went boom boom on a climbing photo shoot) and Benson, Gomez and Erin-Kate brought their Westy (theirs is pretty sweet) and we brought the red stripe (our van). Have I mentioned that Matt is OBSESSED with the site? He has given up (for now) his sports car addition and traded it for VW vanagon obsession. If Go Westy got a dime for every click Matt clicks on that site, they'd be RICH. Keep in mind an average GoWesty Vanagon costs like $45,000. Yes, I know. I know. Anyway, Owen was chillin' in his bear costume coupled with a cute ears hat that our friend Anne made for him. We hope Anne will make him another one as he outgrows this one and maybe a matching one for Mommy.

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