Friday, October 12, 2007

iPhones are rad

What can I say? After watching the video of Steve Jobs relay all the cool features of the iPhone back in early 2007, I was practically salivating at the thought of one. I refrained from purchasing one because 1) they were $500 and 2) I use Verizon. I pondered, I wondered, I fought it. Finally when my sister Kate got one for her birthday and my best guy friend John got one, I HAD to have one. So I got one for MY birthday (THANKS MOM). I just plugged it in tonight and in 5 minutes I was switched over from Verizon to Cingular BAM! Done. So easy. Ridiculously easy, actually. If you know me, you know that I'm a HUGE Apple dork. I should probably work at the store. Anywhoo, I'm loving my new gadget and bluetooth headset. Too bad I frequently only use about 150 minutes a month --- but it's not the phone part that I wanted, it's the syncing to my computer I wanted, my contacts, the google maps, the mini computer, and well, it's cool. :) Plus it's a video iPod. Hello all in one device that fits in my pocket. Kudos to Apple. Photo to follow of me and my iPhone.

1 comment:

emilie said...

Yay! I've had mine for about three weeks now (so glad I waited for the price drop) and I don't know how I lived without it before! You know that commercial where the guy tells his phone he loves it? I am feeling the same way too. I never knew a phone could make me feel so organized. ;)