Monday, August 13, 2007

Tomatoes, the Braves & Harry Potter

So I spent practically all day yesterday reading the latest Harry Potter book. I'm looking forward to lunch, when I sit down and read it again. I have to put a timer on or it will be 2 hours before I put it down. When I was a child, I loved fantasy literature, like Roald Dahl (BFG, James and Giant Peach, etc) Harry Potter taps right into that fantasy part of me. It always brings me back to the times when I was 12 and couldn't put a book down for days in the summer-- my sister and I would read all day and night just to finish. Of course, I was reading 200 page books and Kate was reading Camelot at 8 years old....but I digress.

Matt and I also watched the Braves game yesterday. I don't know how it happened but this season I took a liking to our hometown team, the Braves. We get MLB Extra Innings to watch it and I sware, it's the only TV we watch (unless professional tennis is on) I always hated baseball (too much time in front of the tube) until Matt sneakily worked it into our lives. I think he brainwashed me the same way he does when he wants to see *guy* movies... somehow I watched Terminator III in the theatre ????

Oh and later, I'll post a photo of my lovely tomatoes... who says you can't grow fruit in the mountain desert! HA! 60 day growing season, I beat it.


Matt Adcock said...

when are you coming to Atl to go to a braves game with us???

In the meantime, tell the hurricane to GO AWAY. I think this is the first one I will be experiencing by myself :( I am shooting a wedding on the 21st, here in Riviera Maya. Tomorrow as well on an island. I wish I as at home reading a book :(

Cameron Clark | baby business blog said...

Matt Adcock- maybe I should surprise my husband and take him out to the ballgame in ATL... good idea. He never reads my blog comments... Maybe if they can hang on and make it to the Post season...

WHAT? Sergio is shooting with you? I'm next is all I know.