Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Bike to Work Week

downtown Flagstaff at the bike swap on Sunday
don't forget your helmet- those are the ballons they attached to my bike...

If you didn't know this about me, I'm a bike enthuasist. Ever since I realized at the ripe age of 7 that my pink Huffy would transport me to my friend's house, I've been hooked. I was on the club bike team in college and have had the serious cyclist bug ever since. I still teach spinning (indoor cycling) once a week at the local athletic club. (ahhem gets me a free membership). I am a member of the Flagstaff Biking Organization (biking advocacy group) and this past Sunday myself and a couple others lead a bike parade to kick off Bike to Work Week with one of my four bikes. Yes, I have four bikes. A road bike, a geared mountain bike (being built), a single speed mountain bike, a communter hybrid, and finally a cruiser bike. Matt and I are hoping to add a tandem bike to the collection. Matt rides his bike 6 miles to work everyday. GO MATT. Obviously, I can't ride my bike to work, since I work about 20 feet from where I sleep.

Ask yourself, how often you could ride your bike to work? What is stopping you? Is it your bike, it is where you live? Fear of cars? Is it your "stuff" -- all of those obstacles can be overcome. Later I'll post some of my friend's commuter bike set-ups. Here in Flagstaff where everything is 5 miles away and usually accesible by urban trail a lot of folks ride bikes everywhere (unless it's snowing). Since I work from home, I cannot bike to work, but I do bike to the gym, bike to the trails do personal errands on my bike. I may try to post some video footage, something I've never done before.... it may prove to be too time consuming -- I've got to edit 2,500 pictures...


Unknown said...

I was checking out your blog. Really great work.
I love the wedding images below

Anonymous said...

i haven't met anybody yet who owns 5 bikes :)

wow! Sol & I also ride...but not as hardcore as you. I very much dislike biking on highways and roads so we stick to the bike trails or neighborhoods with little traffic.

have fun biking...better go and edit those shots!