Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Coconico Cycles

You might remember the fiasco from last year as I drove my bike into the garage, that is to say, I drove my car with my bike on the roof rack into our garage. AH HEM, my custom made bike, that is... so naturally the first person I called was Steve Garro of Coconico Cycles to rebuild my bike (last bike was also a Coconino). He has a 10 month waiting period... (very popular indeed) but I ordered it last year so my new bike is ready, too bad I'm not. I must be in the worst mountain biking shape of my life... but as Owen gets older and Mommy can get away more, I will get back on my bike. I went to Garro's shop about six weeks ago when my bike was getting the finishing touches and shot some photos of Steve working on it. He hand builds each frame according to your measurements. I loved my old Coconino it was my favorite bike EVER so I can't wait to ride my new pink one! It's not built up yet because we are waiting for a couple of parts that Matt and I forgot we needed. I got disk brakes this time... and a new shock, new tires, and new wheels!!! Garro built the wheels, which means that they are BOMBER!! The top tube is designed to be curved which is a nod to the old Klunkerz

If you didn't know one of the main reasons we live in Flagstaff is because we are avid mountain bikers. I know we'll be doing less mountain biking with the baby but hopefully he'll eventually love biking too.

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