Friday, June 29, 2007


Matt and I decided to go camping at the last minute with some friends last night, we left around 6:30PM and were back before 8AM -- it was spectacular! We camped right by the site where we got married, so it was like a little anniversary present. It was gorgeous. The moon was full or almost full and there were moon shadows everywhere. We hiked up to a higher spot to see the sunset over all the Arizona hills in the distance. It's times like this that remind me why I live here (and why I don't have kids yet). I was obviously kicking myself that I left my camera at home. A long exposure in a huge field, with everyone walking towards the remaining sunlight would've left me with a stellar shot. I have the picture in my mind, at least.


Anonymous said...

DOH... can't believe you left the camera at home!!!

We bought a P&S, Canon 700IS and the 800IS. Carry them everywhere...small and very useful!


Cameron Clark | baby business blog said...

I know, I know. I'm thinking about going back out there and snapping a shot before the moon changes too much. I have a great Fuji F11 that does long exposure. Thought it was in the purse, but then it wasn't... doh